Wednesday, July 2, 2008

C: Is for Cars that run on Air!

With the price of gas holding the world captive alternative methods are sprouting up. I brought you the smart car but now air is an energy that can be utilized, in a viable way, to transport both people and goods. A Compressed air car is an alternative fuel car that uses a motor, but is powered by compressed air. They can be combined (as in a hybrid electric vehicle) with gasoline/diesel/ethanol or electric plant and regenerative braking. Several companies are on the verge of producing prototypes including Tata Motors. Like electrical vehicles, air powered vehicles would ultimately be powered through the electrical grid, making it easier to focus on reducing pollution. Other advantages of an air powered vehicle are lower initial cost than battery electric vehicles when mass produced. They start at $2,500 and compressed air not subject to fuel tax as of yet. As for the environment these cars carry zero pollutant emissions. With compressed air fire is no longer the hazard in an accident. Air turbine technology, is closely related to steam turbine technology and is a practice over 50 years old. Can you imagine the possibility of refill your air tank at home, by just using a common power socket. Lighter vehicles also mean less abuse on roads, resulting in longer lasting roads. A non polluting vehicle would eliminate the reason to buy gasoline from off shore companies. How great is that?

The Compressed Air Car developed by Motor Development International (MDI) Founder Guy Negre might be the best thing to have happened to the motor engine in years. The $12,700 CityCAT, one of the planned Air Car models, can hit 68 mph and has a range of 125 miles. It will take only a few minutes for the CityCAT to refuel at gas stations equipped with custom air compressor units. MDI says it should cost only around $2 to fill the car up with 340 liters of air! The Air Car will be starting production relatively soon, thanks to India's TATA Motors. The six-seater taxi should be available in India this year -2008! Forget corn! There's fuel, there's renewable fuel, and then there's user-renewable fuel! What can be better than air? This is the true car of tomorrow, now if we can just get It In the USA!

Here is an air car company to discover and invest in

Now that is smart business and that is a F.A.C.T.

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