Thursday, June 19, 2008

T: Is for Tyranny staring us in the Face!

As the 4th of July approaches, we rented the HBO "John Adams"series . Though I found the series well acted, I also found it highly manipulative and full of propaganda. I have been fighting for our rights to free choice and here is Abigail giving her children a controversial small pox shot which gives a 1 in 5 chance of her children dying and she thinks those odds are good. Considering that people were a day away, those odds are not what I would of taken. This program did however, remind me of what The Declaration of Independence was all about and I wondered what happened to a people so full of hope and conviction? A people willing to lay down their lives for their rights and the rights of others, without thought to self but to an ideal...Freedom! It seems to me we are back to where we started with a government denying us our rights and even worse oppressing us. Why are we not complaining? Public Officials misbehaviors are both numerous and serious, and obscures the real problems. The fundamental principle of the constitution are not being upheld. According to The Declaration of Independence the government should lack any power to infringe, abridge, or deny our rights, yet there is an absences of power.

The specific foundation of America’s legal system is the Declaration of Independence. It asserts that all men are created equal, yet to secure those rights, we have to go to those who are taking them away. “No Tax or Duty shall be laid", yet what is happening with our gas, electricity and food?

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble.........” What about when Americans in New York peacefully march against war, or for having a Republican convention in our city. I for one watched as innocent people were jailed, hurt and treated like animals for peacefully stating their rights! I also watched as the freedom of the press has been stifled until it has become a monopoly.

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” I am in no way up for owning a gun, but I am against a government telling me I can't and those statements are being echoed in our court system. The Second Amendment most strikingly illustrates how a true constitutional right is absolutely immune from governmental restriction, so how can they infringe on that right without destroying its own foundation.

These analysis apply to every one of our “unalienable Rights.” What about the Fourth Amendment? And yet this regime signed into effect illegal wiretapping just because they think you are a terrorist. Wouldn't this be called terrorism?

In short, “the government” cannot deprive any American of his rights, and yet daily they are being taken away and we do nothing. Where are those brave men who we are descendent from?

We need checks and balances in the law. Those who break it, be it public officials or not should not be allowed to have their crimes excused as acts of “government,” and must be held accountable. For a government that can never be punished becomes what Britain was to those first Americans. We as "the People” have come to a point “in the course of human events” to stop whining and take a stand and triumph over tyranny.

This 4th of July, the price of gas will top $5 a gallon, go to and signed our "Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less" petition. Send a Message to Washington This Independence Day. Take a stand. While we give foreign powers our energy dollars, we sit atop proven domestic sources of energy, both conventional and unconventional.

Both Obama and McCain claim the mantle of change but why is neither addressing the North American Union? Our rights have been sold and most Americans, Canadians and Mexicans do not even know about this. Why! We stand to lose everything that most have been paying into since they could. Freedom if we do not awake will become a mythology, a fairy tale. Housing, employment, health care, education, and many other areas, mock the radical promises of the Declaration of Independence and it is becoming only for the most elite. To fight for life, liberty, justice, or equality, is being framed as being un-American and anti-patriotic.

The Declaration of Independence unequivocally states that when a government is unjust, it is the duty of men to alter or abolish it. The American government calls itself a republic, but it is unimpeachable. The American Paradox is a country that promises justice for all and yet it really ends up being for the corporations and a limited few. "If we are wrong, the Supreme Court of this nation is wrong. If we are wrong, the Constitution of the United States is wrong." This was stated by Martin Luther King when fighting for his and those of his color for equality. Recently researchers stopped random people on the street with untitled copies of the Declaration of Independence and asked for their opinion of it, person after person told them that the Declaration was treasonous and must have been written by people who hated America. A patriot is someone who affirms the status quo and its inequities, and demands change so that citizens can receive the promises guaranteed them by America's core documents and it is now considered un-American.

Today, as we face the dual challenge of global warming, peak oil prices, energy and food shortages and an unstable economic structure, we need to open our eyes.

Look at copy of the Declaration of Independence so you can see what was promised you and then maybe you will feel as I do. At one point in time freedom mattered and that still should be a F.A.C.T.

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