Monday, June 9, 2008

F: Is for forced Vaccinations!

I ended up in the emergency room this weekend due to the fall at Duane Reade. What I conveniently left out of my original article is that the first thing I remember was a sound like a cow falling. All I could think was, wow what the hell fell. Then I realized whoa, it's me and how heavy am I. It never dawned on me it was my head that hit because it was the only part of me that didn't hurt at the time. I realized my dyslexia was worse. Thank-God for spell check. I also realized I had problems grasping for words, like a glitch in a record file that you know is there but ....where? However this weekend I started getting dizzy, passing out and the final straw was when the someone turn the volume up to the decimal level. Turns out brains can bruise....who knew. I was prescribed a pain medication, which brings us to today's column. There is a bill coming up that makes vaccinations mandatory. It is NY Assembly Bill 10942. This is a battle we all need to fight. New York State has surrendered its rights under the US Constitution and given yours away at the same time. Every vaccination recommended by the 15 member Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices at the CDC will be mandatory. Soon it will be the power of the police state with a needle.

By age 18 the total is 67 vaccine doses for boys and 70 for girls (including the absurd and dangerous HPV vaccines). No science shows this is either safe or effective. Quite a lot of science shows that it is neither. New vaccines are being added at a furious clip: there is no profit in vaccines unless they are widely administered. How much more widely can they be administered? Celebrities, parents, doctors and others marched to "Green Vaccines" in Washington to "get unnecessary toxins out of vaccines". Does that mean that there are, in fact, "necessary" toxins in vaccines? Without mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide, monosodium glutamate, aspartame, cancer-causing viruses, human fetal tissues and stealth viruses. Yes that is what the vaccines are made of. A Harvard Doctor stated "If an individual has had 5 consecutive flu shots his/her chances of getting Alzheimer's Disease are 10 times higher than if he/she had one, 2 or no shots." Dr. Fudenberg said it is due to the mercury and aluminum that is in every flu shot. The gradual mercury and aluminum buildup in the brain causes cognitive dysfunction. Flu shots contain 25 micrograms of mercury. One microgram is considered toxic."
( By the age 4 children have had 5 consecutive flu shots. Will the 50% Alzheimer's incidence in people over 80 increase to 100%? What about for people age 70 who will have had 71 consecutive flu shots?
And what about the 1 to 3 micrograms of mercury that the CDC now admits remains in all vaccines as an undisclosed "trace" contaminant? See the web site for the email exchange with CDC on this.

There is also revaccination. If you doubt this, ask the parents of the 1100 kids revaccinated at gun point in Prince George's County MD last November when the school district admitted that they had lost the kid's records and re-immunized them anyway! And ask the parents of the other 1200 kids vaccinated that day while police with attack dogs watched - despite the fact that MD is an exemption state. If you refuse vaccines in NY you will very likely lose your child and go to jail. Since there is no reason at all to believe that this lucrative, and insane, mandatory vaccination requirement will stop at age 18, I believe that we can expect laws mandating adult vaccination as well. There is no place for unconstitutional and deadly mandatory requirements in health.This is a battle we must win in a war we must not lose.

Here are a few features of the proposed bill:

Our elected New York representatives would no longer determine the mandatory schedule of vaccines to attend school; decisions made by the federal Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices would automatically become mandatory.

All children, infants and toddlers included, in New York would be required to get all vaccines recommended by the ACIP according to the ACIP schedule

All children in New York up to age 18 would be required to get annual flu shots.

All girls in New York would be required to get a human papilloma virus shot.

All junior high school children and college students would be required to get meningococcal shots.

Doctors would be required to issue certificates for every shot given and parents would be required to maintain the records and provide them to school and other authorities.

The rules committee claims that the new laws would have no fiscal impact on the state despite the necessity of the state to spend tens of millions on purchasing new vaccines, a vast increase in mandatory record keeping and enforcement for schools, and a huge increase that could be expected in the number of cases of neurological damage, Guillian Barré syndrome and other vaccine-caused injuries.

President Bush has proposed military quarantines of whole sections of the population for the Avian flu. Once a "pandemic" is declared, martial law follows (triggered at the drop of that deadly word by the head of Health and Human Services or the White House), refusal to accept "Pandemic vaccination" will lead to your "relocation/quarantine" by either US forces or the Canadian army (following the February 14, 2008 treaty announced by US Army North Com and the Canadian Military). She how everything I have been saying fits together? The 2006 Defense Authorization Act expanded the 1807 Insurrection Act to allow the President to declare Martial Law and send in the Military not only for insurrections, but also any "natural disaster, epidemic, or other serious public health emergency, terrorist attack or incident, or other condition," with both "incident" or "condition" not defined nor limited. Halliburton has built a constellation of concentration camps across the U.S. - are these camps for infected patients, or civil libertarians and nonviolent dissidents?

Don't believe me. Goggle this, research and then let your voices be heard now or it will be too late and that would be a tragic F.A.C.T.

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