Friday, April 18, 2008

S: Is for Spilling the Truth about Teeth!

Continuing from last weeks S column, Our rights are slowly being taken away and now, just for telling the truth. If you talk about the dangers of Mercury and you are a dentist in the US you will lose your license. What ever happened to freedom of speech? Right now in the court of appeals the fight for our dental rights is in progress. On Nov. 14, 2007 a demand to Congress was sent requesting an accounting from the FDA for refusing to classify mercury fillings and to perform an Environmental Impact Statement. On December 28, 2007 the FDA was sued by the Consumers for Dental Choice, seeking the removal of mercury fillings from the market. As I write this it is the court of appeals.The USA as always is behind. Two months ago Norway became the first nation to ban the use of amalgam fillings. Sweden has just united in that fight to save lives. Where before only the vulnerable, such as pregnant women and children, were recognized as needing protection. Now it is banned for all. Mercury has also been banned from a products produced, imported, exported, sold, and used in the two countries as well. Mercury is among the most dangerous of environmental toxins. Amalgam fillings are primarily composed of mercury. On December 16, 1990, CBS's 60 Minutes presented an expose on dental amalgam fillings. Needless to say the dental establishment was furious with CBS. The ADA attacked in full force starting with Consumer Reports. It then went on to promoted its message in a two-minutes news video sent to 700 TV stations, cruelly bashed them on their weekly radio show and in their magazine which was prominent in every dental office. The immense amount of pressure had CBS pulling the program, but there were those who believed the message needed to be heard. Log on here to see what had the ADA up in arms and maybe you to will be willing to fight for your life.

The insidiousness of what is going on started in 1833. The Crawcours (two brothers from France) introduce amalgam filling in the United States. The unscrupulous methods sparked what was known as the “amalgam wars,” a bitter controversy within the dental profession over the use of amalgam fillings. The American dentist banned together and bought the brothers out but continued what they themselves have stated "unscrupulous methods" and formed the ADA to keep the secret. Don't believe me log onto history/timeline_ancient.asp

As a society we are brainwashed into believing we are cared about. The truth is the almighty dollar rules and we have become but a pawn of fortune. Can you imagine how jammed up the courts would be if we banned together to fight this negligence of human life? This site will help you learn more and these are disturbing F.A.C.T.S.

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