Thursday, November 1, 2007

T: Is for Thoughts

Last night as I was leaving the Halloween Party I co-sponsored, I met a guest who helped heal me. When I asked who he was he said "a nobody". I proceeded to ask with the same results until Tom said he'd tell me. It turned out it was Gary Null famed author, healer, nutritional guru and controversial advocate for human rights. At first I could only place where I had first met him. You see, I had met him before. Then he did what I can only justify as a gift or a transference of energy and I was blessed to be at my own party. Here was a man that I had forgot wrote "The Hidden Side of Psychiatry". I know this work because I fought for friends and children who have been abused by the system. I add an excerpt:

In 1990, a congressional committee issued a report estimating that Community Mental Health Centers diverted $100 million to improper uses. Patients were charged $700 a day while watching television and playing bingo, instead of receiving any care. While the financial waste is grim, the cost in human lives and misery is much more appalling. Insurance fraud seems to be the bread and butter of the mental health industry. Scams occur whenever a psychiatrist or a psychiatric institution bills Medicare, Medicaid, or private insurance companies for work they didn't do, for unnecessary or bogus treatments, or for patients confined against their will. Here are is an example. "Michael quickly realized that A Place For US wasn't a place for him. Overweight and suffering from stress, the New Yorker had flown cross country to attend what was advertised as a weight loss clinic in southern California. The airfare was free and the treatment, he was told, was fully covered by his Blue Cross plan. But when Michael reached Los Angeles, he was shocked to see himself booked into a psychiatric hospital in a rundown section of town where he was diagnosed to be suffering from psychotic depression and bulimia, conditions he denies ever having. Then he was told he couldn't leave. Michael is one of many stories It's hard to believe that this is going on in America, but the reality is that, as a result of gross deception. People are frequently unaware of the fact that they are about to enter psychiatric institutions. If an unsuspecting party has coverage, the person is flown free to a facility, usually located in Florida or California. A limo awaits at the airport, and the place seems very accommodating until the person actually arrives at the facility and is locked up against his or her will. Once the person realizes what is going on, it's too late. People who become upset and attempt to leave can be threatened or diagnosed as combative.
Paul McDevitt, a licensed Massachusetts mental health counselor states "These people have no ethics at all. They're morally bankrupt."

Gary has also written books disclaiming the myth of AIDS, Our drug induced culture, The killing of American soldiers by war profiteers, and the drugging of America. All subjects that I have been writing about in this column and standing up against, this man has written books or has done documentaries on. Wow what a kick! Talbott this article is for you, now you know where to find help. It is a F.A.C.T. that what we need will be given to us and it is a remarkable F.A.C.T. that it came to me last night.

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