Friday, July 20, 2007

S: Is for Seasons of Change

On July 6th 45 percent of Americans favored initiating impeachment proceedings against the President, and 54 percent favored impeaching the Vice President. The nation is steeped in irreversible debt, diseased, terrified, bankrupt and addicted to oil that's running out. On top of that, thanks to Bush-contrived military imperialism, it has alienated every other nation in the world and has now become the most-hated nation on the planet. The conviction and sentencing of Scooter Libby for lying to prosecutors – was muted after the President commuted his sentence. Holding those in power accountable for their actions is critical for maintaining a functioning democracy. It can be messy. It can be painful. Ultimately our government needs to answer to the American public, and not to powerful corporate interests. Bush's and Cheney's abuses of power and violations of the Constitution and the rule of law have been done not openly and in consultation with Congress, but in secret and in the dark of night. His secret monitoring of American's communications--phones, mail and internet, went on for four years before it was exposed in an article in the New York Times. And the President has still not explained to anyone why he felt the need to break the law. We need to restore Congress role in our government and the Supreme Court's role in government, impeachment has to go forward. The question should be who in this administration is fit for this job. Maybe the F.A.C.T.S need to be sorted out.

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