Wednesday, July 25, 2007

C: Is for the Harry Potter Collection

72 million copies of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows sold out worldwide in just 24 hours. This last installment to the Harry Potter series was coveted by the lines that made Barnes and Nobles the hippest place to be last Saturday. After seeing the latest movie I was informed that I needed to read the series so I spent last week reading all 7 of the series. I can now tell you why you should proceed to the nearest bookstore and hibernate in your room. This is not the shortest of reading either. The last book is 759-pages long and it is not the shortest. It is interesting that one of the world's best-known authors writing for today should choose to show the world as it is through magic and a quest for spiritual peace. Saving many from imprisonment, death and to recognise that there is something sacred in us all. Harry Potter's quest comes down to a battle between good and evil, life and death and how love can overcome anything. Potter faces rebellion, isolation, hormones, loss, his search for identity, a government conspiracy to discredit him and an evil wizard bent on his destruction. Harry like all of us is broken down so everything that he thinks about himself is intertwined by a prophecy. The world has become a much more dangerous place, going from a kind of innocent state with evil lurking in the background, to a few people against all odds trying to stand up for what’s right. Chivalry and bravery live in us all. The Order of the Phoenix is a secret society formed to oppose evil. Voldemort Harry's nemesis using Harry as a conduit, shows our overwhelming belief in a system has gone array. Harry’s decision to teach his fellow students Defense Against the Dark Arts represents a turning point where knowledge needs to pass on to others to help them defend themselves. The people in charge are the ones who are now more dangerous because they refuse to deal with reality which leads to rebellion. These books are insightful to help today's society deal with something that looms like a destructive disease over humanity. Like the Holy Grail these books light the way. Read to be awaken, and that is a F.A.C.T.

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