Thursday, April 12, 2007

T: Is for Political Tyranny

For this whole week I have talked about the 300 because so many have lost sight about what this film is truly saying. First of all to defend this film and productions like it, It is a FANTASY! I can guarantee you if you poll the American population and ask them if they knew the Persians were Iranians they wouldn't have a clue. If you polled them again and asked if they saw the monsters in the Persian army on celluloid as Iranians again the answer would be, that they'd be clueless. Look at the names and that should give those in an uproar a sense of peace. The Immortals, the undead, men who were more beast than man. This doesn't exist in real life. The bodies of the Spartans over exaggerated. The hunchback who in reality was a Herder and a non spartan. Again a figment meant to compel you to think. We live in a society where we are being told if you are not with us you are against us. These words were last heard of in Hitler's rein and look what happened to those who spoke against it. The fact is this movie is about a corrupt government in disguise of a war. There are three sections that speak the loudest. Lets address each one:

In the scene where the oracle speaks Theron takes a bribe from the Persians to not resist the take over. The religious leaders set this in motion. This is reminiscent of Judas and the bribe he took to betray his friend. What other connotations does it speak of???

The second scene is where Queen Gorgo speaks to the senate and the bribe is discovered. Being true to her husbands beliefs and supporting him in every way possible she sells herself to save her husbands life and that of her country. Theron who promises his support betrays her. She in turn kills him and the 300 pieces of gold tumble to the ground. The senate realizes it was wronged yet does nothing to help and thus lives are sacrificed.

The last scene is when Dilios returns and tells the story of what befell those 300 and states the King neither wants glory or fame but for the rest of Sparta to know this was for Democracy and for Freedom.

We judge other cultures with our own values but what ever made any of us God. For those Persians that are upset about the depiction of their ancestors I have one comment what were they doing in Greece in the 1st place? And in that vein what are we doing in Iraq? Nobody should be conquered by another country unless that country is violating the rules of humanity. We live in each other's countries and yet if you really look at the big picture where are we really from? That question alone should add compassion. The F.A.C.T is if we don't start getting along there will be nothing left to argue about or conquer.

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